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Frequently Asked Quentions about Gift One Tree.

On any occasion you want. Birthdays, Anniversaries, Festivals, Weddings, Achievement, New Baby, to thank someone are a few ideas. The list is never ending as you don't even need an occasion to plant a tree.

GiftOneTree Card isn't just a gift for your recipient, it's a generous gift for the entire planet and a thoughtful way to honour someone.
YES!! To create GiftOneTree card and Honour someone, you have 2 Options:

Option 1 - Plant A TREE!!
Option 2 - Buy Indoor Plant!!

You can select and buy the plant from the product list displayed on GiftOneTree.
Yes!! You will be gifting a real tree by planting a tree and creating a digital card.

This will be the Best way to Honour someone by letting them know that you have planted a tree for them and you pledge to take care of the tree.
This is a common question as many of us have never planted a tree in our life.

Follow these steps:
1) Locate a place to plant a tree
2) Contact local nursery
3) Buy a sapling from nursery (best suited to the agro-climatic conditions in your region)
4) You can tie up with a gardener from nursery who can help you with digging and planting the sapling
5) Take proper care of sapling (water regularly, protect from insects and stray animals)

You can also watch Youtube videos to learn more about Gardening.
NO - We are not offering this service! We want you to do something good for our environment by planting a tree and taking care of it.

We belive that - If you plant a tree yourself and dedicate it to someone with GiftOneTree Card, it will leave a long lasting impact on the recipient of the card.

With Money you can buy everything, But you cannot Save Planet Earth with Money!!
The sender of the gift or the one who has planted the tree will have to take care of the tree or plant.

You need not to be an expert to take care of tree or beautiful exotic indoor plants. You can join GiftOneTree Instagram and Facebook page to connect with Gardening community who will help you with all the tips and care information.
We encourage "VOCAL FOR LOCAL" campaign. You can buy live plant from Local Nurseries and Gardeners from your area.

You can also buy Indoor Plant Online from the product list displayed on GiftOneTree.
Big Ecommerce websites provide Awesome Packaging and Awesome Courier Services to ensure your precious plants are delivered as quick and safe as possible.
If totally depends upon you

If is is not possible to send plant to recipient then you can keep the plant with you and take care of the plant. You can send images of the growing plant to make recipient feel honoured and special.

If you are in same city, whenever you meet you can personally give it to recipient of card.

If you are in different city, you can order online and directly deliver plant to recipient of card.
Giftonetree is not selling any product directly. You will be redirected to the seller website from where you have to place an order.

Cancellation, Return, Refund or any other Policy of the seller website will be applicable.