Instructions for Tomato Kit


Summer season is the best season because tomatoes need heat. It will grow soon in the summer.
It depends upon the weather conditions of your region. Tomatoes need above 25℃ temperatures to grow to healthy plants.
No need to soak tomato seeds in water overnight. Directly we can sow the seeds. But we should keep the seeds moist during the germination.
It will take 7 to 8 days to germinate the sprout. You can observe in the coco disc after sowing the seeds.
We can sow it either indoor or outdoor, but makes sure it gets warm weather. You can cover the pot with plastic cover.

But once the seeds sprout properly, plants of tomato need good sunlight at least for 7 to 8 hours a day. So we recommend to keep it outdoor.


Once your tomato seedlings are five to six inches in length (usually 6-8 weeks), it's time to take them out of their small indoor pot to deeper and spacious pots or your home garden outdoors that receives 6 to 8 hours of good sunlight.
Tomato plants should be grown one per container in large containers at least 18 or 24 inches wide and deep. Start with large clean pots. Mix together a well-draining type of soil and compost(if available).
Repotting or transplanting is very easy with Netted Coco Disc Pellet:

Simply dig and transplant the whole coco disc into the ground or re-pot it in a big container, without the hassle of coiling and tangling of roots. The netted cloth will disintegrate all by itself.


Watering depends on the weather. If you are using good quality potting mix then water the plants only when the top surface is completely dry. You can easily test the moisture in the potting mix by just inserting your finger into a corner of the pot.

But in usual cases:
Winter: Water once every 3 days
Summer: Water daily once or twice depending on how intense is the weather.
The tomato plant is susceptible to a number of garden pests including Aphids, Cutworms, Flea Beetles, Whiteflies and Hornworms.

Use Organic insecticides like neem fertilizer to ward off the common pests and diseases of the tomato plant. Also, frequent checks of the plant are another way to save the plant from some common problems.
Using support for tomato plants will help to avoid disease, discourage pests, keep fruit clean, make plant care easier, and prevent fallen or damaged plants.

There are several ways to provide support for your tomato plants, including stakes, cages, trellises, and ropes.


Tomatoes will take maximum 75-85 days to harvest. Till that we need to take care of the plants by watering them properly, providing good fertilizers and protecting them from pests.
A fully ripe tomato will be softer than the unripe ones. The best time to pick tomatoes from your plants is when they just begin to turn color. First and foremost, it keeps the tomato from becoming damaged from insects, birds and even wind or summer storms.

You can pluck the tomatoes directly from hand. But handle the plant gently while doing so.

Instructions For Other Seed Starter kit

Microgreens Kit
Flower Kit
Coriander Kit

How to Use Coco Disc Pellets ?

Grow Plant using Seed Starter Kit

how to use coco disc pellet

Step by Step Guide

  • Soak the Coco Disc Pellet (Expanding Seed Starting soil) in luke-warm water (room temperature). Let it soak for about 7-10 minutes until the soil has fully expanded.
  • Place 4 - 5 seeds (of the same variety) gently into the soil. Gently cover with appx. 1/4" of the soil.
  • Place the expanded soil packs in a warm area inside your home (preferably next to a window sill). Make sure to keep the soil moist at all times - not soaking wet. It's important to check the soil's moisture daily. The key here is to keep the soil moist (NOT soaking wet) to allow the seeds to germinate successfully.
  • Once you start seeing the roots of the plant extending from the soil, then it's time to plant it in a larger container or directly into your garden.

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